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point identification中文是什么意思

用"point identification"造句"point identification"怎么读"point identification" in a sentence


  • 点象辨认
  • 像点辨认
  • 象点辨认


  • An air leakage points identification model in branches of ventilation system was established based on airflow balance in all nodes and pressure balance along all circuits of ventilation system
  • In this system , the movement of the step - electromotor is controlled by computer , and then the dial pointer is drove by the step - electromotor . at the same time , these images of the analog instrument are took by high precision ccd video , and then these images will be processed by the computer , using some image - processing algorithms such as image segmentations , threshold identification , image binarization , areas labeling , dial center - point identification , useful areas identification & abstracting , and areas thinning , etc . followed this , the dial pointer of the “ circle ” is able to be located . at last , the dial pointer position will be recognized by the computer
用"point identification"造句  
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